Our annual fall wine tasting will occur on Friday October 9th. We're going to present you with a rigorous selection of 25 of our best new wines. We will also have a few interesting food products and I might even have a few bargain mixed case 'sawdust' lots from our cellar. The cost will be $25 per person, applied to the purchase of your first case of wine. This is perfect timing for you to stock up on all the wine you need for the holidays, yourself and gift-giving season.
Friday, October 9
This Walk-Around tasting Is Open From 5 PM to 8:30 PM
We've extended the hours from last year to give you more flexibility.
Please do let us know if you would like to attend.
If you're coming to the tasting and having dinner at either Stage Left or Catherine Lombardi and would like to attend the tasting before or after dinner, Just make a reservation for Stage Left here or Catherine Lombardi here and put in the "Note to Restaurant" that you will be attending the tasting either before or after dinner.
If you're coming to the tasting but not dining with us that night, just let us know you're coming by emailing [email protected] or by calling us at 732-828-4444.